Why Change Procedural Code To Object Oriented

last modified: February 26, 2009

This page addresses the question

Why change well written Procedural code to be ObjectOriented?

Q1: My C program is essentially working along the following lines: if .. do this; else .. else if.. And a few databases. It is extremely quick. What would it gain from being programmed in C++ instead of C?

A1.1: IfItAintBrokeDontFixIt.

A1.2: If you have budget to change the code, perhaps also consider using another language if performance is not the key factor. The C/C++ family is not the most human-friendly language around in my opinion. They are subject to "mad pointer bugs" that will make you rip your hair out.

A1.3: If your program grows and changes over time, OO will allegedly help make it easier to change and extend while being less error prone. If it doesn't need this, then you'd gain nothing. If your program is already finished, then you'd gain nothing. C and C++ are also very low level; you'd benefit from using a higher level language, if you're going to do a rewrite. SmallTalk, Python, Ruby, C#, or Java would all allow much quicker progress in a rewrite, as they are far more modern languages than C and C++. Depends on the program's domain, though. {Not everybody agrees with OO making software more change-friendly. If you personally feel OO is better, then C++ might look more inviting over C.},

My guess of the intention of Q1:

Q2: I have written a C program which essentially working along the lines as in Q1, I have a new project and it seems I am going to do in a similar style again. What would I gain from doing the new project in OO style (in C++ or other OO language) instead of C? How would the answer depends on the scale of the project?

A2.1.1: What would I gain . . . instead of C? One thing you might gain is performance. Using OO in this situation implies you'll be using a polymorphic interface, which under the hood, means pointers to functions. Ask yourself what your giant if/else if/else construct does. Let's assign that name to a method on the object (one class per control flow direction). Then, for each class, implement the body of the relevant consequent of the if statement. When you invoke the method, it just invokes directly the relevant and correct code -- no need to spend time searching through what amounts to be an array of conditions that get repeated every single loop iteration. Assuming you're using a loop, of course.

However, it turns out that you can use this in procedural code too. In fact, in LeoBrodie's ThinkingForth, one of the Forth coding patterns commonly used is documented: don't set a flag, set the function (vector). (Page 256, #8.24 in my printed copy.) To quote: "If the only purpose to setting a flag is so that later some code can decide between one function and another, you're better off saving the address of the function itself."

What OO provides, however, is a convenient syntactic notation for this, at least in a static context. If you need this kind of behavior at run-time, then the StatePattern is for you. Either way, switching to OO is a net-win if, and only if, it would result in fewer keystrokes typed OR facilitate greater program maintenance.

A2.1.2: How would the answer depend on the scale of the project? Without specific source code examples, this question cannot be answered.

A1.4: There's a place in this world for well written procedural code. Implementing the ObjectMentorBowlingGame, for example, showed me that some problems have better procedural than ObjectOriented solutions. So it doesn't bother me to find and leave sections of well written procedural code in place, without changing them, as whole programs or parts of ObjectOriented programs.

However, my experience has also been that most procedural code would benefit from being refactored into being more ObjectOriented. Examine the CodeSmells. I've found the ObjectOriented style to offer useful tools to EliminateDuplication in the code.

Given the original description of the problem above as code containing "if .. do this; else .. else if..", I'd look for duplication among the if statements: A common procedural code smell is to have the same codes and states tested in a number of different places because they have effects in multiple different places. ObjectOriented PolyMorphism is often helpful in addressing duplicated conditional logic. See ReplaceConditionalWithPolymorphism. -- JeffGrigg

SwitchStatementsSmell contains a similar claim, but there's a dispute about how "duplication" is being measured. The code "volume" difference is highly dependent on the language being used so much so that paradigm differences cannot be isolated out from specific language difference "noise". --top

EditHint: We need to find a way to clean up OO-related "improvement" topics. See OopDebateMetaDiscussion.

