Condensed, in preparation for refactoring to WikiMission.
There's always been tangents followed. This has always been fun, and helps us understand one another outside the narrowly defined patterns/XP/software arenas.
One option is that Wiki will come to contain all kinds of information, from SouthernBaptists to DvorakKeyboards to PairProgramming. In this way, it becomes something like EverythingTwo: an interesting StoneSoup of random topics. This is the default outcome if we add more than we are deleting and the topics spread wider every month.
There was a time when people felt they should apologize for covering semi-technical or "off-topic" matter. Now they just go ahead and add them. I am merely pointing to the change, not demanding an apology.
Wiki is getting to be as useless as most newsgroups. I wish that people would quit posting on everything they fancy and stick to topics that are related to software. And some people should think harder and post less. --RalphJohnson
I personally think ExtremeProgramming made an excellent theme. The ExtremeProgramming pages themselves provided a lot of focus, which was good. But also, because the various Xp tenets covered so much software development territory, they provided a nice framework from which to explore aspects of software development outside the scope of Xp, or even for that matter to discuss ideas in opposition to Xp. I don't think there would have been an "Xp Theme" without all the work RonJeffries put into the Xp pages. -- CurtisBartley, paraphrased
To me, Wiki is about learning how to make beautiful code. The pages on Closures, Continuations, Coroutines, have all helped me make a huge mental leap in understanding what, why, when to code things a certain way. So I want everyone who knows something about programming that I don't to write it down so I can read it over and over and read all its links and finally one day understand and be able to use it all. Write me a SmalltalkTutorial, or just let me ask questions about the ones that have been recommended. Make a ProgrammingQuestions page for people like me with no formal education and huge gaps in my knowledge. Don't stop with patterns, write down every algorithm you've ever used and when and why to use it. I'm here because so many people know things I don't. --ShaeErisson
I would like to see programming stuff and meta-Wiki stuff. By "programming stuff" I mean the sort of core content of a year or so ago, including XP, patterns, languages etc.
By meta-Wiki stuff I mean the discussions about discussions, thread mode versus document mode, the Wiki mind wipe etc. I see Wiki as a radical and important experiment. If we don't discuss it here, where? -- DaveHarris