What Wiki Should Be

last modified: October 19, 2004

And it came to pass that all these tiny little pieces came together with a common cause and theme. Together they worked tirelessly, giving creation and life to a new form that was vast multiples greater then any single one, or even the entire group as a whole. For they became a single entity, ever evolving and continually increasing in complexity. Yet, at the same time, each to its own, worked no harder, but reaped huge rewards in terms of sustenance, protection, long life, and opportunity to procreate and prosper. Each member of this mass multitude had specific specialties and areas of interest. Thus, each sought out others with similar interests, those that could be helpful to a certain task or emergency, and those with knowledge and interests outside of their own when needed. Without realizing, as they busily went about their specific tasks, a living being came to life. Something never seen before. Something strange, wonderful, exciting, and beyond imagination. So complex it is now, that all proclaimed that certainly there must be some mighty powerful deity that designed and implemented this new creature. Truth was, it came to be out of their united family community and had no prior engineering whatsoever, let alone a master in control. It happened because it could, and it happened because of necessity and desire. Behold, a new life walks upon this plane...

I have been wandering about this WikiWikiWeb for some time now, poking here and there, teasing and testing this and that. All the while trying to figure out why I couldn't leave when disgusted, or why I found it so mesmerizing.

I have an interest in many, many, things, and can learn anything I desire. I have a daughter who is currently in medical school and on her way to becoming a physician (most probably a highly specialized and skilled surgeon). Out of this connection to the human form, has sprung a correlation, in my mind, that relates to this Ward's Wiki.

A Wiki should be like the human body itself. A vast community that is comprised of zillions of individuals, each with their own interests, ideas, and jobs. And because something brought them all together (a common desire or theme) they now work as one to create a body and give it life. But, most impressive of all is that they give this life a mind and spirit of its own. A plastic life form, that is continually being remolded as necessity dictates, and as economy allocates. Perfection arises of its own accord, and no one single worker is aware of what it is that is being created as a whole, let alone that creation has even taken place. For, every little cell/critter is only concerned with its job, interests, well-being, and that also of its closest neighbors and support supply-line members. Life, mystical, magical, indefinable, and unconforming to anyone's ideas, with no master planner. Magic, ladies and gentlemen, the magic of life. To try and control it beyond a certain set of morals and decency, is to lose it. The members give it an immune system to protect it from perversion, corruption, and death, but beyond that, it just happens without guidance or censorship. To try to censor it, or to try to persuade it this way or that, will cause it to fall apart and die. It must grow hugely in order to become all of the vast innercommunities that it needs to support the diversity of knowledge and ideas necessary to come together and create a single wild spark that ignites the fires of life. -- WikiZen
