What Is Design

last modified: August 15, 2010

From dictionary.com:

design ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-zn) v. designed, designing, designs v. tr.

To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference. To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product. To plan out in systematic, usually graphic form: design a building; design a computer program. To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect: a game designed to appeal to all ages. To have as a goal or purpose; intend. To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner.

v. intr. To make or execute plans. To have a goal or purpose in mind. To create designs.


A drawing or sketch. A graphic representation, especially a detailed plan for construction or manufacture. The purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details: the aerodynamic design of an automobile; furniture of simple but elegant design. The art or practice of designing or making designs. Something designed, especially a decorative or an artistic work. An ornamental pattern. See Synonyms at figure. A basic scheme or pattern that affects and controls function or development: the overall design of an epic poem. A plan; a project. See Synonyms at plan.

A reasoned purpose; an intent: It was her design to set up practice on her own as soon as she was qualified. Deliberate intention: He became a photographer more by accident than by design. A secretive plot or scheme. Often used in the plural: He has designs on my job.

[Middle English designen, from Latin dsignre, to designate. See designate.]

Okay, now we're getting pretty close to a shark jump here. Are pages like this really necessary on the C2? Shouldn't a page like this be dedicated not to a regurgitation of some dictionary definition, but an application of the term in question to our specific industry?

Let me get this started: Design is the application of knowledge, understanding, and technology to solve a system. A system may be solved many different ways. Design is the process of finding the best match of current technology in the solution domain to the system in the problem domain while meeting budget and other considerations.

WikiIsNotaDictionary. Eh?

