We (XpNewYorkCity) need to fill in more info about the project here. The Story Cards that we've come up with so far are transcribed here. As these stories are fleshed out, they can be given names and split onto separate pages.
First are the two main stories that we've chosen to focus upon for our first release:
Story: A page where people can enter data about what they did on a site.
- Free form roles vs a selected list? (we chose to go with the selected list)
- Multiple roles per person?
- Date Launched
- When you worked on it (memo field)
- What tech you used (memo field)
- Form validation: some fields are optional, some are required. any that are included should contain valid data.
- Task: Create HTML form and process it
- Task: Validate form
Story: A page where a user can enter a name and find out all the credits relating to that person. [By Date]
- What URL
- When
- What title
- Memo
Now are the stories that we came up with, but decided not to prioritize for our first release:
Story: A page where people can enter data about themselves, separate from CREDIT data
Story: A page where people can edit information that they previously entered about themselves [not related to CREDITS]
Story: A user should be able to click a result of a search / query and run the "converse" query. E.g. if one searches for all people who worked on xyz.com, the names that come back should link to a query for all that that person did.
Story: A web page for people to answer the question, "Who did that Site?" or WHAT ARE THE CREDITS FOR A SITE?
- By URL
- [ As of a specified date ]
- Metaphor: Credits -- "The IMDB of Sites"
Story: Users should be authenticated once per session before they may submit data
Story: Lost Password Retrieval: Email password to user in case s/he forgets it and/or secret question procedure to get password
- Development Env:
- Scanning Cards? ( I think transcribing will improve readibility, but hey I'm biased - PatrickMay )
- Debugger
- SCC (this could be clarified - PatrickMay)
- Language ( Java Servlets right now? )
- Production Environment:
- DB
- OS
- HW
Story: Different Users have different roles with different permissions
Story: Explore doing everything ( the web pages and the database access ) in XML and / or SOAP
Story: Archiving / screen shots
Story: Secure transactions so people can't eavesdrop passwords
Story: Allow people to add roles to the list of fixed roles
Story: Aliasing a URL to a friendlier name and description
Story: Standards for future webpage credit registration: Develop a standard for webpage owners to include credits either in metadata on the page, or probably more useful, have a registration database for web page owners to record the CREDITS. The key would be the URL, and possibly the date.
-PatrickMay (at least at first)