Weaving The Web With Cmaps And Sidewiki

last modified: July 13, 2014

The Web as we know suffers under a chronic disease, the architecture is built on unidirectional links. If our brain would be built on unidirectional links, I guess we would be unable to even process thought, merely do simple reactions. However TimBernersLee envisioned a bidirectional architecture.

What about using ConceptMaps in tandem with GoogleSideWiki as a workaround?

Everybody here, who feels to contribute to build a friendly GlobalBrain is invited to start this endeavor on this page :-)

-- AaronPoeze+FridemarPache (joint edited this contribution and copied it in the http://www.google.com/search?q=GlobalGoogleNamespace

via this Sidewiki comment http://www.google.com/sidewiki/entry/fridemar/id/XAq0iU0_JLUtMbGyGr6y0PbsPGQ.

"If our brain would be built on unidirectional links, I guess we would be unable to even process thought, merely do simple reactions."

Our brains are built on unidirectional links. Brains are constructed from networks of neurons, where an axon terminal of one neuron links to a dendrite of another neuron. Signal processing travels in one direction from dendrites to axon terminals.

