October 2005
The basic features are here and working and have even been shown to very few people from the already small audience at WikiSym speed demos session.
I'm soliciting community input on WcpUseCases.
- Basic syntax based on traditional WikiSyntax for compatibility reasons and EssExpressions. See WcpSyntax, WcpEssExpressions.
- syntax for lists (this will put it on par with "frugal" engines like Ward's or meatball), if you can withstand LostInaSeaofParentheses you can imbricate yourself to death, because of WcpEssExpressions. Now it has even tables.
- Team editing, page editing, page versioning, displaying and referencing different version.
- The first version of WcpSchema
- recent changes.
- found a suitable CVS host http://sourceforge.net/projects/wcp/ The first front of source code will be uploaded by the end of Tue, Oct 25. Any reasonable person who asks for will get CVS write access. I surely could use a lot of help.
Missing, will be implemented in short time (less than a month, more like a week):
- a nice diagram for chess positions -- that's a proof of concept feature that somebody can extend this wiki in very little time.
- allow the user to define WcpEssExpressions based templates for pages (maybe feed the s-expressions into a high quality scheme interpreter for JVM )
- add a few CSS to make the pages look spiffier with some CSS. A primitive (and probably broken) CSS is currently in effect and it will need some fixing.
Planned to implement in medium time:
- run a public wiki and get some experience. It will probably be dedicated to Christian topics, but because with WikiChangeProposal there should be in principle absolutely no reason for a host to fear WikiSquatting or WalledGardens or whatever human behavior (even RA will be more than welcome to come and rant all day long).
In the long term:
- I'd really like to explore a distributed peer to peer wiki systems along the lines of FailSafeWiki. Of course, only if they are any takers to join me in the adventure.
If anybody is willing to volunteer, before I set up a CVS somewhere (sourceforge or someplace else) to receive of email of 100 kbytes of source code, and send me back comments as to what would be needed before publishing it as open-source (I know it needs some cleanup and some guide around the code, but I could use some suggestions ). Write on my homepage CostinCozianu
2005-10-23: requested a project space from SourceForge; they'll give me an answer by tomorrow. I'll make a public commitment to have EssExpression templates implemented by the end of October. Once that is done, I can use help on a large scale by asking people to contribute to the area where I am weakest: HTML, CSS and maybe JavaScript. -- Costin
2006-03-07: I have just come back from the site where I got the following mesage:
- No File Packages Defined
- This project has not yet created any file release package
You have indicated some areas in which help can be given. Are there any specific tasks this wiki community can help provide? -- drn
Let me respond briefly. Currently I wouldn't expect anybody would feel atracted to the code base. Because of lack of time and programming in 1-2 hours bursts, the code base is not very easy to comprehend. If somebody however is courageous enough I am more then willing to respond to details about the structure of the code and what is up for grab, and there are a bunch of hard implementation tasks to be solved.
If, however somebody is willing to help with less demanding (but not less important!) tasks, here is a list that are up for grab immediately:
- Web design. Currently the project is sporting skeleton HTML. If anybody can provide static html that will demo the Wcp functionality and look not necessarily fancy but neat, I'd be more than grateful.
- Unit tests, test cases, design ideas for the WcpPatternMatching language
I am currently working to get rid of the demo JSPs without being locked to hard coded Java code (be that servlets, or other fancy, but nevertheless Java, frameworks. The dynamic web pages (changes, history, etc) will be programmable in a language with roughly the same syntax (WcpEssExpressions based ) as the wiki content. Once this is done, the bootstrapping wiki pages that define this functionality will be packaged with the code, and will be editable. Once that is done I will release a package. --Costin
There are indeed no packaged releases, but you can obtain the current work-in-progress via CVS. -- DaveVoorhis
Thanks, Dave and Costin, I am getting set up now by becoming familiar with the EclipseIde, which will supplement my VisualStudio package. It is good that you have continued working on this.
Successes are not claimed without a lot of hard work. -- drn
- Costin certainly deserves all the thanks, as my input so far has been minimal; just some testing and a handful of tweaks to the documentation. My teaching load has gone from being ridiculously overworked to outright inhumane, but once the term ends, I'll be digging in. -- DaveVoorhis