Wayne Simacek

last modified: May 14, 2009

My current favorite description of me comes from my daughter Allison. She describes me as "a mile wide and an inch deep." [I believe she's referring to my ADHD more than my love of family and friends, which goes miles deep.]

I began my college career as a physics major, because of a ninth grade teacher that first inspired my passion to understand "why things behave the way they do?" ....starting with the laws of nature. Because of my lack of vision on how to monetize that, I turned to accounting because a similarly inspiring professor that taught how [tax] law was really shades of gray despite the ignorant as seeing only black and white...not to mention there were tons of accounting jobs available in those days.

When out in the accounting job world, I chanced into a local Radio Shack store and saw an ad hoc demo of the first spreadsheet program on a personal computer. I immediately saw the potential to replace what currently took me hours on a 10-key adding machine with the click of a button and was first and forever hooked on computers.

After years of computer-related process improvement in the accounting world, I gradually drifted more into business analysis, project management, and most currently agile methodology. Some of my favorite current methodologies within the agile framework include BDD and TDD.
