[We're in the process of moving this material to another Wiki; see http://xpwdc.org/ for the new site, and add all new material there.]
The XP interest group in the Washington DC metro area has formed.
We call ourselves XpWdc for short.
We meet monthly for discussions, XP games, presentations, and (naturally) pizza.
If you are in the DC area and are
- an extreme programmer,
- interested in ExtremeProgramming,
- practicing ExtremeProgramming,
- interested in meeting XP users
- looking for software development job with XP,
- looking for people to work in your XP team,
this users group is for you.
Next Meeting
[see http://xpwdc.org/?name=NextMeeting ]
Next CodeFest
[see http://xpwdc.org/?name=NextCodeFest ]
Mailing List
We have a mailing list at Yahoo groups. To subscribe, send an email to: mailto:xpwdc-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. (verified 12/19/01)
or use the Web interface: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/XpWdc/
See also: WashingtonDcExtremeHour, BaltimoreXpUsersGroup, AgileMaryland
CategoryGroup CategoryXpUsersGroup