Ward Cunningham's genius is to see the potential for emergence in writing, in creation of and/or exposure to, for collective use, often highly radical tools
- Programming Techniques
- PatternRepository
- ExtremeProgramming
- Personalized Internet Experiences
- WikiWikiWeb
- SmallestFederatedWiki
- Multi-person collaborations and discussions (WeeklyHangouts) (RecentChanges)
- Allowing and implementing clever navigation patterns as part of applications (BackLinks) (Categories)
- Adaptive yet simplified techniques for displaying and archiving Personal Knowledge and Data
- Proliferation
- Authorship by Invitation as well as by Demonstration
- Hardware Internet Internet Interfaces
- Internet Access to Things before the InternetOfThings was devised or proposed
- Utilization of miniature computer boards to collect and deposit data
- Patents
PAT. NO. Type Title
1 4,885,717 Full-Text System for graphically representing operation of object-oriented programs
2 4,673,931 Full-Text Waveform data display
ThankYou -to> WardCunningham