Viewing Algorithms As Collection Processing

last modified: November 11, 2014

I often view algorithms in terms of processing collections (CollectionOrientedProgramming or COP), and TableOrientedProgramming in particular. If the data structures are organized "right", then roughly 50% to 80% of typical processing can be practically viewed as COP. It could even be 100% if you stretch things, but every technique has areas where it doesn't shine so well, and current tools don't support COP to its fullest.

COP tends to be more compact and a higher abstraction than "one-node-at-a-time" algorithms found in traditional programming and OOP. Higher abstraction includes meta-techniques that otherwise requires awkward language features like reflection to replicate.

This is to document some examples to give ideas of how COP can play a roll. I will tend toward tables as my example collections. -- TopMind

Example 1: Field selection

In CRUD apps, often different reports, screens, and forms will use a different subset of entity columns (fields). Rather than mention the column list over and over with different subsets of columns excluded, it can be useful to use something like a DataDictionary, and filter by some criteria to get the subset of columns we want. It is usually easier to change the assignments in such a table than dig around through linear and verbose code and hand edit column lists or bunches of similar-looking function/method calls.

Example 2: GooglifyDeepMenus

If we have a data structure holding attributes about most of our app options, then it gives us and/or users more tools to sift, manage, and search through bunches of options. Off-the-shelf CRUD techniques can be used as at least an optional interface to search and study the options.

Example 3: Dynamic Code Grouping

With flexible collections, what appears "together" is merely a choice of dynamic presentation. One stops viewing code as linear or tree-shaped files and instead views them as blocks which can be presented as dynamic groups of multiple factors, such as database-related code, security-related code, GUI-related code, etc. without having to hard-wire our original module or routine grouping to fit any one of these. "Together" becomes a virtual, dynamic, and relativistic concept. See SeparationAndGroupingAreArchaicConceptsDiscussion for more.

(Note that this is more of a technique than an "algorithm". Perhaps the topic title should be widened, but it's not different enough to justify.....just yet.)

More to come...

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See Also: PayrollExample, ConvertingImperativeToDeclarative, CollectionOrientedProgramming, LogicProgramming, KayLanguage

