Viatasso Wiki

last modified: August 24, 2004

Like so many others, I was deeply impressed by WikiWiki after coming here for the first time. Consequently, I decided to write my own wiki to run my personal Web site. It's been running for a few months now at

-- JohnKugelman

Some features

It also generates XHTML 1.0 strict markup, and is styled with CSS. Standard standards stuff. I'm planning on releasing the source code on SourceForge as soon as the feature list stabilizes.

Q: Why the name Viatasso?

It's a word I misheard when watching a movie in elementary school. I thought it had a nice ring to it, and have remembered it ever since. Its only significance is to me.

Q: What language is it written in? It's shiny.

A: PhpLanguage.


Inspired by HtmlArea, I'm now working on a way to do in-place, WysiWyg editing without the use of wiki markup.

I have a working version running on my local machine, which can be accessed at [removed] (as long as my IP address remains the same, *crosses fingers*). I'm quite happy with how it's turning out; switching from viewing a page to editing it is seamless. All you have to do is double click on the page and you'll get a cursor and toolbar.

Please try it out and let me know what you think. It should work in IE 5.5 and Mozilla 1.3. I'd really appreciate any feedback.

Doesn't work in Konqueror 3.0.4 using KDE 3.0.3 on Suse 8.1. I get a page with "Front page" across the top, a pale stripe in the middle, and no apparent functionality.

CategoryWikiForum CategoryWikiImplementation
