Not in NewYorkCity and not looking for a job any more :) I am back in KeralaIndia.
JustaProgrammer in NewYorkCity proficient in Java, XML (and associated BuzzWords) currently looking for a job.
Topics of Interest
- ObjectOriented Software - history and evolution
- ExtremeProgramming
- HinduPhilosophy
Current Projects
- SmalltalkLanguage
- RubyLanguage
- SpanishLanguage
- SanskritLanguage
Books I have been reading or trying to read
I have been fascinated by MarioVargasLlosa recently.
- The Feast of the Goat
- Aunt Julia and the Script Writer
- The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto
- Who Killed Palomino Molero?
KenzaburoOe : Rouse Up, O Young Men of the New Age
RabindranathTagore, Final Poems
Tagore is perhaps the most famous Indian poet and the only NobelPrize winner for literature. As much as I respect his achievements, I cannot but be bored with his writing style. Maybe that will change as I get older.
- JamesJoyce, Ulysses
This is a lifetime project in itself and will have to wait till I have more time