SwitchStatement for VisualBasic (both VbClassic and VisualBasicDotNet)
[See ElseIfIsSelectCase for languages with stricter limitations on select-case syntax.]
VB's select case is much more flexible if used like this:
Select Case True
Case <boolean expr 1>
<block 1>
Case <boolean expr 2>
<block 2>
Case <boolean expr 3>
<block 3>
Case True
<default block>
End Select
In fact this method lets you do range comparisons, call functions, or test several values, just like you wanted.
The original sample from ElseConsideredHelpful rewritten like this becomes:
Private Sub WritePropertyElement(ByVal psName As String, ByVal pvValue As Variant)
Dim xmlElmt As MSXML.IXMLDOMElement
' ... Code to create the XML Element and write pvValue type information into it. ...
Select Case True
Case IsDate(pvValue)
xmlElmt.Text = Format$(pvValue, "YYYY/MM/DD HH:NN:SS")
Case VarType(pvValue) = vbObject
If pvValue Is Nothing Then
' (No text)
Call DoObjectSerialization(xmlElmt, pvValue)
End If
Case IsNull(pvValue)
' (No text)
Case IsEmpty(pvValue)
' (No text)
Case IsMissing(pvValue)
xmlElmt.Text = "Missing"
Case True
xmlElmt.Text = CStr(pvValue)
End Select
End Sub
Another actual code sample:
Private Function IsProcedureHeader( aLine As String ) As Boolean
IsProcedureHeader = True
Select Case True
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("private sub"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("public sub"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("friend sub"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("sub"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("private function"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("public function"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("friend function"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("function"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("private property"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("public property"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("friend property"), UCase$(aLine))
Case BeginsWith(UCase$("property"), UCase$(aLine))
Case True
IsProcedureHeader = False
End Select
End Function
Private Function BeginsWith( aBeginning As String, aText As String ) As Boolean
BeginsWith = (Left$(aText, Len(aBeginning)) = aBeginning)
End Function
(Good example. I'd probably move "UCase$()" into the "BeginsWith()" or make a new function that does this. -- JeffGrigg)
One can also use direct values instead of expressions.
select case ucase(rs("fmtType"))
case "T","N","D" ' text, number, or date
hout inputBox("text", fldRef, useValue, useWidth, useWidth)
case "Y" ' Boolean
temp = trim(lcase(rs("fldValue")) & "")
if isBlank(temp) or temp="(either)" then
useValue = "(either)"
elseif contains("1,true,yes,on", temp) then
useValue = "Yes"
useValue = "No"
end if
hout pickList1(fldRef, useValue, "(either),Yes,No")
case "L" ' List
hout pickList1(fldRef, useValue, "(any)," & rs("theList"))
end select
You can do ranges in VB Case . . .
a specific line from a program I am writing at this moment:
selects based on one of three values, or a range.
You can also do...
Select Case expression
Case Is > 5
' Code Here
End Select
CategoryVisualBasic, CategoryConditionalsAndDispatching