- AndyPierce -- use whatever works for you. honestly, why get excited about this?
- ElizabethWiethoff -- I think in PythonLanguage but Ruby is interesting to explore
- JonathanTang -- though I might check it out sometime if I've gotta do another webapp
- TimLesher -- although better regexp support and blocks are tempting...
- PetrMares -- I could never agree on what Ruby people deems elegant and legible
- DavidHurt -- Didn't find ruby compelling enough to replace python.
- MalcolmCampbell -- Ruby, Perl, PHP and JavaScript - the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
- Kevin Cox http://jibberia.com -- loves all languages. Rarely needs ruby, except for regex-intense scripts
- MarkDeeTaylor -- Python seems to be more mature at the moment, with better libraries and a more reliable implementation
- Samuel A. Falvo II -- Python offers everything I'm looking for in a nearly ideal language, except for optional static typing support (even if through 3rd-party tools). It, like Vi and Perl, very often finds itself installed on every Unix-based platform now-a-days, unlike Ruby. I find it far easier to read and maintain as well. Thus, Python's CostBenefitRatio is lower than for Ruby, making it the language of choice where I work, and at home.
- Bill Cox http://billrocks.org -- Too many programmers confuse spending time playing with a language with time using it to solve problems. Of all languages I know, Python minimizes the play time, and maximizes the getting it done time. Now a super-fast compiled Python... that would be cool. (-> What about Cython?) Q: Shouldn't this read ... maximizes the getting it done speed ? I think he means "minimizes the time spent playing and maximizes the time spent getting it done.
- TerrelShumway -- I can see Ruby as a good upgrade from Perl with a lot of Smalltalk influence. I will learn Ruby and use it as my clients require it, just as I am refreshing my Java skills because I need someone to pay me to program.
- WayneWerner -- I haven't yet learned any Ruby, but I expect I shall at some point, similar to the way that I learned Emacs after years of using vi. (Still love vi, though, Viper mode is just not quite as awesome).
- CraigEverett -- With the choice of Python, Perl, or Ruby for work Python is the obvious winner. No new deps, purposeful integration with other tools, easy to drop in and out of Bash, Scheme (Guile) or C. Ruby (or Java) invites a new private world of complexity by comparison, at least on this platform (*nix).
Contrast: UsingRubyDontNeedPython
I use both. Both are better for some things than the other. Why make it a black-and-white decision?
No one's forcing it to be a black and white decision. The page just lists folks who have come to this conclusion for their current work.
More specifically, WikiWords around here (for good reason) tend towards short & pithy rather than LongAndPedanticallyCorrect. (^_~) Don't take the title of any page too seriously. -- RobertFisher
I don't understand the point of this page. Of course some people will find one a better fit for their work than the other. Currently I'm decorating my guest bedroom. I not using Python or Ruby for that work. Shall I create a page about that?
Sure, go ahead. OffTopicIsOkay. :-)