Unit Testing Java Events

last modified: February 25, 2007

I would be interested in thoughts concerning UnitTesting for Java Events. This problem came up when I was writing a JavaBean which generated PropertyChangeEvents. I would like to write tests for those but am not sure of the best approach using JavaUnit. -- ChanningWalton

I create event listeners that receive events and append them to a Vector, along with information about which method was called, etc.

To test a class that generates events I create a Vector, create event listeners with a reference to the Vector, register the listeners with the event source to be tested and then exercise the event source's methods. I then check that the Vector contains the expected sequence of events. I usually write convenience methods for this which compare a static array of objects to an enumeration of the vector's elements.

-- NatPryce

There is some related discussion on JournallingPattern.

CategoryTesting CategoryJava CategoryEvents
