A character in GbTrudeaus DoonesburyComicstrip, originally based on HunterStocktonThompson, later acquiring a life of his own (see below).
A parody of a Compassionate Fascist; a drug addict and political shill who exploits the US government's paranoia to ride to one high-level unelected political position after another. His resume lists the exploits of the shadow zone between government roles and organized crime. Based only on his ability to work the system, he bounces from one appointed job to another - football team manager, governor of Samoa, ambassador to China, etc. - never generating any track record of success, and always wheeling and dealing his way to his next gig. GbTrudeau has recently positioned him as the viceroy-in-waiting for Iraq.
Also personally responsible for suggesting to the Iranian students that they hold the US embassy hostage...
See http://www.doonesbury.com -- OleAndersen
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