These examples are here to illustrate how UML diagrams can be done in UmlAsciiArt, when Wiki pages need them. Before trying your own, check out the UmlAsciiArtTips.
Contributors: DavidPrice,
Composite design pattern structure (from DesignPatterns)
+--------+ +-------------------+ *
| Client |------>| Component |<------------------------+
+--------+ +-------------------+ |
| Operation() | |
| Add(Component) | |
| Remove(Component) | |
| GetChild(int) | |
+--------+----------+ |
. |
/_\ |
| |
+---------+------------+ |
| | |
+------+------+ +---------+---------+ children |
| Leaf | | Composite |<>---------+
+-------------+ +-------------------+
| Operation() | | Operation() |
+-------------+ | Add(Component) |
| Remove(Component) |
| GetChild(int) |
Singleton design pattern structure (from DesignPatterns)
| Singleton |
| _Instance()_ |
| SingletonOperation() |
| GetSingletonData() |
| _uniqueInstance_ |
| singletonData |
(This is boring, but is included to illustrate underlining for static items).
AbstractFactory design pattern structure (from DesignPatterns). This is really stretching the UmlAsciiArt idea to its limits...
+-------------------+ +--------+
| AbstractFactory() |<--------------------------------------------| Client |
+-------------------+ +----+---+
| CreateProductA() | +------------------+ |
| CreateProductB() | | AbstractProductA |<---------+
+---------+---------+ +---------+--------+ |
. . |
/_\ /_\ |
| | |
| +------+------+ |
+------------+------------+ | | |
| | +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ |
| | :">| ProductA2 | | ProductA1 |<": |
| | : +-----------+ +-----------+ : |
+---------+--------+ +---------+--------+ : : |
| ConcreteFactory1 |""" | ConcreteFactory2 |""""": +------------------+ : |
+------------------+ : +------------------+ : | AbstractProductB |<-------+
| CreateProductA() | : | CreateProductA() | : +---------+--------+ :
| CreateProductB() | : | CreateProductB() | : . :
+------------------+ : +------------------+ : /_\ :
: | :
: +------+------+ :
: | | :
: +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ :
"">| ProductB2 | | ProductB1 |<":
+-----------+ +-----------+ :
Minimalist version (what are all the boxes buying you?):
| |
Real_Conversation Mock_Conversation
converse(); converse();
I think TabMunging busted some of these.