Truly True

last modified: May 14, 2008

What is really true?

  1. true == true (true = true)
  2. true != false (true <> false, true /= false)
  3. I think, therefore I am.
  4. I perceive.
  5. Whomever committed the crime might have a beard.
  6. The set of all sets that do not contain themselves is not a set.
  7. The TravelingSalesmanProblem is NpComplete.
  8. We have been given no sufficient reason to believe the world was constructed last night by a bunch of rabid squirrels acting in concert with special neurosurgeon squirrels expertly constructing our memories and evidence of dinosaurs.
  9. Wherever you go, there you are.

nothing, except nothing itself

[everything is true, except some stuff]

(From the PrincipiaDiscordia)

GP: Maybe you are just crazy.

M2: Indeed! But do not reject these teachings as false because I am crazy. The reason that I am crazy is because they are true.

GP: Is Eris true?

M2: Everything is true.

GP: Even false things?

M2: Even false things are true.

GP: How can that be?

M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it.
