Our TriangleXpUsersGroup meeting for 12/22/2003 forcus on trying our first xp exercise. BillKrebs and RajuKiruvase did our first dry run 'practicum'.
We did all elements of xp on the smallest app we could think of - hello world. We did all practices and graded oursevles according to xpef and shodan. We felt that we learned micropractices (eclipse or ant tricks) and also learned xp by doing.
Y'all are customers for our Peer Certification Process, so we'll want more feedback on what you'll want to see. I'm reviewing a write up with details before putting it on the wiki. For now, we generated the following artifacts.
- A journal that shows when you had questions on xp, or found you did something xpish like yagni or the simplest thing that could possibly work.
- A XpEvaluationFramework scorecard (including the ShodanInputMetric survey). This has helpful as a syllabus to make sure we were trying out all the xp practices. Bill plans to format both the journal and the xpef and put on the wiki or our user group yahoo site. The code itself will probably go on yahoo.
The general flow was as follows: Release Planing, and two 30 minute iterations. Each iteration consisted of a stand up meeting and some paired development, complete with junit tests and refactoring.
We took turns being the customer. During our stand up meeting we arranged pairs. Sometime Bill would pair with Raju, and sometimes Raju would pair with Bill :-)
Keeping the program as simple as possible helped us focus on xp techniques. We caught ourselves not having a customer acceptance test, so we stopped and asked the customer to write one.
The meeting ajourned after 2 hours and 45 minutes.
I felt the meeting went well. I demonstrated we could do and learn some xp techniques in a 90 - 120 minute format. I learned some eclipse tricks from Raju, and I showed off some of my ant stuff. Having another person focused on asking if what we were doing was correct xp or being available to roleplay as a customer or pairing partner was great. BillKrebs
It was an excellent meeting. Being new to XP, it was like "Learn XP in 2 hours" for me. Bill clearly explained most of the XP concept while doing a small project. Enjoyed "Changing Hat" technique very much. I am not new to XP anymore -:). Many thanks to my XP 'guru' Bill.
Raju and Bill used xp on a tiny hello world project.