Travelling Wave Tube

last modified: March 9, 2012

A traveling wave tube (TWT) is a high-tech vacuum tube. TWTs are used as high-power microwave amplifiers in:

Some web-sites about TWTs:

Two excellent off-line texts on TWTs are:

EDD also makes the Xenon Ion Propulsion System (XIPS). NASA used these IonThrusters to propel the Deep Space 1 probe. Boeing uses them to keep its new satellites in orbit. [Broken link, but available via the WaybackMachine]

When I worked on Marconi microwave radios (late 60s, early 70s) I had to go to a special tech school (High Wycombe) to learn how that stuff worked as opposed to the Lenkurt klystrons I was used to. Bloody science fiction. Very cool stuff. Helical coil of thin wire running down the inside of a finger-sized glass (vaccuum) tube with a large metal head. Sleeved in a jacket of silicone grease. Tuned by rotating the tube along its axis for max gain.

I'd like to say I fully understood how it worked, but that's more hubris than I can muster just now. I could keep it alive and keep working levels and do the maintenance and repair on the racks, but actually grasping the electro-math that ran it was something else. Hats off to whoever figured out how to make a useful RF amplifier/modulator with it.

We pronounced it "twot" in our organization.

