Tops File System Alternative

last modified: December 16, 2013

[Under Constru

FileSystemAlternatives got my gears rolling. (See PageAnchor Top4726 in that topic.) After struggling trying to find a sufficiently-flexible WCMS recommendation for a customer, who chewed out our team for being too rigid, I've been kicking ideas around for something more organic than the existing tools. I'm providing a semi-concrete description in order to trigger a friendly debate about what, how, and why should be included and/or excluded.

Here is a starting/draft "god record" for object attributes for reference:

For "link" and "related" types, if there is text in the "criteria" field, it's considered a "content query" as described in the "DOS-like" example on FileSystemAlternatives. If there is also a path in "linkPath", an error or warning is triggered. (We probably don't want a "hard" error; for web/organic philosophy is "limp" in LimpVersusDie.)


An author or WCMS can generally use the predefined columns for whatever they want to, with the caveat that generic tools/settings won't necessarily recognize custom uses.
