[Under Constru
FileSystemAlternatives got my gears rolling. (See PageAnchor Top4726 in that topic.) After struggling trying to find a sufficiently-flexible WCMS recommendation for a customer, who chewed out our team for being too rigid, I've been kicking ideas around for something more organic than the existing tools. I'm providing a semi-concrete description in order to trigger a friendly debate about what, how, and why should be included and/or excluded.
Here is a starting/draft "god record" for object attributes for reference:
- Domain // name-space domain
- ID // auto-key
- parentID
- title
- type // object type. Possible values are as follows:
- "content" // similar to a file
- "folder" // this object is a "parent" to a set of other objects
- "link" // serves as a link to another object (via URL/URI)
- "related" // "See also", suggested links to similar or related objects/folders
- "other" // custom or misc. Generally treated the same as "content" if special handling not applied or known
- subType // custom or type-specific sub-type
- synopsis
- content // file content or data bytes
- contentType // generally is the file extension
- contentSubType // implementation- or content-specific
- category // implementation- or content-specific
- criteria // query text. See note about "queried links".
- linkPath // URL or URI
- thumbnail // path to image
- byLine // sub-title or small text often found in news summaries, such as city name and/or date
- displayDate // display-date/time. Often same as modifDate, per convention. "Soft error" if missing.
- createDate
- modifDate
- origAuthior
- modifAuthor
- template // default "synopsis" display template for self, leave blank to inherit
- childTemplate // default "synopsis" display template for sub-items
- priority // Numeric, generally higher values mean higher priority
- sequence // Numeric sequence number, if applicable
- custom01..custom10 // 10 custom text columns (Specific implementations may add more)
- status
- hideType
- "Draft" - only the author or designated reviewers can see
- "System" - system file/object that is intended only for technicians or a system
- "Work" - working files intended for authors or designers, not general viewers
- "Other" - hidden for custom use
- "None" or blank - Normal, all can view
- priceEst // for quick-and-dirty online catalogs or price search engines
- shippingEst
- taxEst
- currency // currency domination, such as "Yuan", "Dollar", etc.
- keyWords // alternative search words
- [more coming]
For "link" and "related" types, if there is text in the "criteria" field, it's considered a "content query" as described in the "DOS-like" example on FileSystemAlternatives. If there is also a path in "linkPath", an error or warning is triggered. (We probably don't want a "hard" error; for web/organic philosophy is "limp" in LimpVersusDie.)
An author or WCMS can generally use the predefined columns for whatever they want to, with the caveat that generic tools/settings won't necessarily recognize custom uses.