Top Noise Filter

last modified: February 12, 2014

Please, Ward, can we have a filter for Wiki that routes all pages having any kind of reference to top into the bit bucket? Yeah, this page would make it there as well, but can we have that filter? Please? Pretty please?

Create a new category. CategoryHereBeTopDragons? --top

If he upsets too many more people, he may find his content being removed.


I dissent from the view expressed on this page. There are some discussions being pursued on some of the pages here. They can easily be identified via RecentChanges and their topics. Those who want to can join in and those who don't can visit other pages. -- JohnFletcher

"Those who want can join in" - God knows I have tried. Unfortunately, every time I have thrown anything in, Top has replied with, at best, a non-sequitur, and usually an implicit insult. Never, in any of the splat he has left all over this wiki, have I seen from him a direct, logical response to any point. -- ChaunceyGardiner

{As much as I enjoy doing it, debating with Top is like trying to stab a marble with a fork.},

Maybe a fork is not TheRightToolForTheJob. -t

[ Although I agree that -top is often "over the top", I think the level of personal nastiness against him is even more "over the top"! I have read at least 10 times more verbal abuse directed at him than I have seen with his signature attached. At least he is man enough to put him name to his posts which I haven't seen from many of his detractors. He has rightly called these people cowards for this and I would have to agree with that point. -- DavidClarkd ]

{How is Top "man enough to put him [sic] name to his posts"? Do you think "Top" is his real name?},

[His real name is [[redacted]] but what matters more is that he relates all his posts together with his "tag" and doesn't try to hide. -- DavidClarkd ]

{All my posts on a given topic are related by a consistent font style -- e.g., italics or plain -- and/or surrounding text with {},s, []s and (rarely) <>s. The participants in a discussion typically sort out their "voices" at the beginning. Note how my posts here are all surrounded by {},s, and I've edited yours to surround them with []s, thus giving us consistent but different "voices" for the purpose of this discussion.},

{I've seen little to no "verbal abuse directed at him" in recent threads. At worst, the debates are sometimes heated, but they rarely descend to insults. It was a different story a few years ago, but Top (I suspect he'll agree) gave as good as he got. For what it's worth, my name is DaveVoorhis, and my contributions on this page (which are few) are shown in curly braces. I believe leaving posts unsigned encourages them to be regarded purely on their own textual merits, without the colouration of ego or prior history. Debate, discourse, description and discussion should consider ideas, not identities.},

[Dave, I just found a rant that says "I'd rather make a living licking bus-depot toilet seats than use it (ExBase) to write another business application". It goes on to note "My implementation of it, the RelProject". This disrespectful rant was obviously you. If you are also the author of all the other "over the top" garbage heaped on developers who (in their thousands) usefully made business applications in ExBase products, then you are quite contemptible. -- DavidClarkd]

{Absolutely that's me, and I stand by it. Support for ExBase should be cause for immediate termination of employment, at least. ExBase was an abomination, promulgated by un-professionals. The only thing "contemptible" here is that you lack appropriate scorn for it.},

[ This is the last response you will get from me, intentionally. You aren't a professional and aren't worthy of 1 second more of my time. -- DavidClarkd ]

{Thanks for playing, g'bye.},

[I have emailed you personally remember. I think untagged comments should be facts or explanation rather than personal opinion. I think all personal opinion should be signed. I don't have a problem debating the merits of any language or system but I object to professional programmers (including -top) being abused by anonymous posters. You will have to decide yourself if that includes you. There are many languages I would never use (with good reasons I believe) but I wouldn't call professional programmers in those languages names. That is exactly what happened on the ExBase page when I said it had many merits. -- DavidClarkd]

{There are many languages I would never use, but which I would also never denigrate their users or consider them unprofessional. For ExBase, however, I make an exception.},

For the record, I'm MartinShobe. I pretty much agree with DaveVoorhis here. I will also add that when I developed the habit of not signing, this place was much more active and included a number of people who would try to clean up the discussions. I found that signing tended to discourage this cleanup. So I also don't sign to indicate that I'm open to others changing (or even removing) what I've written as long as they keep the meaning the same.

[That is good but see my comment above about signing opinion. There are ways to debate an issue without talking down to the other person or using Logical Fallacies . Perhaps if people wrote more politely and tried to see the other person's POV, the discourse would be more productive. I am not saying it was you Dave but do think the quote "Never, in any of the splat he has left all over this wiki, have I seen from him a direct, logical response" is "no verbal abuse directed at him"? -- DavidClarkd]

{I said "little to no". Most recent pages have no verbal abuse directed at him. This one has a little.},

Re: "Never, in any of the splat he has left all over this wiki, have I seen from him a direct, logical response"

I'm a little offended by that because I consider myself a highly logical person. Perhaps your question had no logical response, at least not known to man. I do believe software engineering is mostly about WetWare, and the human mind is currently a gray science. "Logic" in the strict sense is not always TheRightToolForTheJob when dealing with WetWare, unfortunately. Many want software engineering to be about rigorous and definitive science and math so much so that they inject false rigor into the discipline, using ArgumentByElegance or false canons instead. (See DisciplineEnvy.) (I moved material regarding speculative motivation estimates to TopOnWhyTopIsHated. Material below may not reflect this move.) --top

We can see how logical Top is right here. His defense of being a logical person is an AdHominem.

I replied to something that was an AdHominem attack, I would note. GoldenRule anyone? Plus, the question frequently comes up in these discussions, "how can so many academics be wrong?" The explanation I offer requires giving a motivational model of their behavior, which can be viewed as an AdHominem attack (and perhaps "is", depending on the definition one uses). If somebody devotes a lot of time and attention to something, it's human nature to "protect" the value of that time and attention, often in irrational ways, regardless of whether you are an academic or not. Humans are humans. It's often seen in the scientific world that proponents of a theory are intense defenders of their own theory, even when such theories later turn out to be wrong.

Some claim various "negative" models of my motivation also, such that I'm allegedly a "post-graduate flunky" who lashes out at academia as revenge over a negative experience in college. If such is true, I'm not consciously aware of such motivation. I try to call things as I see them, but admit that hidden human bias may be sneaking in somehow somewhere. I'm only human, just like you. Complaints about my content and my counter-claims don't appear to be backed by solid textual and clear-cut listable logic evidence though, but rather a form of "if you were smart like me, you'd just see that you are wrong". The specific and explicit train of logic doesn't have to be document-able to some, and to me, this is stupid. "You'll just feeeeeel it if you get smart enough" is bullshit. Fuck feelings, write it down in ItemizedClearLogic! --top

And now we see that Top doesn't know what an AdHominem is, thus providing us with more evidence of how logical Top is. (Hint: what you replied to is the claim under discussion.)

Whether it's technically AdHominem or not is perhaps debatable (for another day), but it is rude, nevertheless, because it contains no specifics and no links. "Top is always bad and dumb and illogical" style of argument is clearly FlameBait to most. "X always does Y" is generally considered unfriendly criticism, and vague to boot.

Its rudeness isn't relevant to either the main topic, where it was the reason someone wanted a way to filter you out, or this subtopic, which is about whether or not it's a true statement. On the other hand, whether or not it's an AdHominem is relevant to the topic at hand, and I see no reason to wait to discuss it. It's certainly not an AdHominem in this subtopic as it's the claim under discussion. In relation to the main topic, it's also not an AdHominem, since being able to filter out illogical nonsense is a perfectly valid request. As such, it's relevant to the main topic. There's also no need to support such a statement until challenged. Luckily for ChaunceyGardiner, you seem intent on providing the evidence to support the statement yourself.

Solve "illogical nonsense" by using ItemizedClearLogic to defeat it. If you truly have a good solid case, and not just nuanced opinion, then it should be easy to use a form of ItemizedClearLogic to slaughter my alleged false logic. Use your allegedly powerful well-educated brain to trash the hell out of my logic. If I am as wrong as you claim, slaughtering my statements that way should be child's play. Bring it on! (And the accusation as stated is rude. I see no reason to distinguish between rudeness via AdHominem attacks versus other rudeness techniques.) -t

Your ItemizedClearLogic is, itself, illogical nonsense. The rest of it has been done. BTW, the reason to distinguish between AdHominem and rudeness, is that something that is rude might be relevant. AdHominems are never relevant.

If you feel vague round-about scattered obtuse logic is "better" than ItemizedClearLogic, then we'll have to disagree on that. Most WikiZens I'm sure will find that an odd stance. And AdHominem statements, I as interpret the term, can be on-topic. If the pattern of writing behavior is the subject of discourse, then speculations about the motivation and psychology of the author is on-topic. Granted, it may also be rude and uncomfortable, but sometimes categories overlap. Others have (rudely) speculated on my motivations without complaints from others. I smell a double-standard. If broken-taillight-syndrome is happening (explained in TopOnWhyTopIsHated), then the motivations of the accuser matter and are on-topic.

Now that's a FalseDichotomy. There are certainly other options besides "vague round-about scattered obtuse logic" and the inane ItemizedClearLogic. AdHominems, even when on-topic, are still not relevant. That's still true even when "broken taillight syndrome" is happening.

Please elaborate on both. If a claim is based on "logic", then it should be reducible to ItemizedClearLogic. There's no excuse, other than sloth.

I don't use ItemizedClearLogic because it's just extra work that doesn't add anything to the discourse. I notice that you don't use it either, which makes your insistence on it a double-standard.

"It's extra work" is fucking copout. I didn't claim something was "clearly and logically better/canonized". I already explained that WetWare is the software engineering bottleneck, and that's not subject to traditional logic, but is more of pattern analysis (of human activity) at this stage in IT history because we haven't scientifically tamed the human mind yet. The primary purpose of software is to communicate with other humans. -t

What reason do I have for performing the extra work? (The rest of your response doesn't appear to have any connection to our current discussion.)

You spent about 40 printed pages on the "values" debate. Wouldn't it be quicker to consolidate your logical arguments and citations and linkages between them rather than sprinkle bits and piece all over like a rat with diarrhea?

I stuck in a comment here and there. But for the most part, that wasn't me.

Re: "extra work" -- IF YOU DON'T WISH TO TAKE THE TIME TO PRESENT EVIDENCE PROPERLY, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN about people not accepting your claims, damned Prima Donna. At the very least, you admitted you could do more to improve the clarity of your argument. --top

Since ItemizedClearLogic has nothing whatsoever to do with presenting evidence properly, I don't see the point. I also don't see an admission that I could do more to improve the clarity of my argument.

Do you want to do things your pet way OR be understood?

That's another FalseDichotomy.

Go ahead and believe that.

Thank you for letting me believe something true.

Re: "Never, in any of the splat he has left all over this wiki, have I seen from him a direct, logical response"

How about you pick 3 solid examples of me doing this. That's fair. General "always do X" accusations like that are not detailed enough to be useful and helpful other than establishing that somebody doesn't like my content. And it's rude.

Maybe you just unrealistically want simple answers to non-simple questions. -t

Comment on WetWare moved to WetWare. (as suggested)

I propose it's the same cabal of 3 university friends who bitch about my content and style. The chance of more than 3 people also being all non-signers is too small of a probability. It's merely social intimidation taking place here, disguised as a grass-root effort to "cleanse the world of Top". It's not my fault you wasted all that time studying ComputerScience looking for the secret equation when the real bottleneck issue turns out to be WetWare. Man up and accept your mistake instead of project the wasted decades into me. Get therapy so that you stop harassing me, stubborn rigid fools! Don't make your personal problems mine also, you sorry asshats! -t

{Correlating IP addresses with geographical locations suggests it's more than 3, but there's no organised effort (or if there is, nobody invited me), and at least one of us who argues with you the most is also quickest to defend your presence. I find debating with you to be amusing. If the world were cleansed of you, I'd have to seek equivalent amusement elsewhere, and I'd rather not.},

I was communicating with a very alien mind to try to understand how the alien's mind works. However, if the alien is only interested is toying with the examiner out of boredom and amusement, then the examiner will never get anywhere. It seems you value amusement over clarity. Explains a hell of lot. QED. Now ship off, Vague One. -t

{In finding debates with you amusing, I have never deliberately sacrificed clarity for amusement. Clarity and amusement are orthogonal. I assume you find debating with us to be just as amusing. Otherwise, why do you do it?},

[May I nuke this page yet?]

Fine by me.

There are some confessions in here I'd like to keep and link if possible. How about append it to an existing "Top rant" page such as ObjectiveEvidenceAgainstTopDiscussion, ShouldTopBeBanned, or IsTopTheNewRichardKulisz. -t

CategoryRant, CategoryEducation, CategoryMetaDiscussion

