Too Many Posts

last modified: December 29, 2013

Gee whiz! Why does the second "delete" always give me this message, these days:

The WikiWiki Server Can not Process Your Request

    Too many posts from Your changes not saved..

This information has been logged.
We are sorry for any inconvenience.

It's tedious to confirm the deletes of SgWa with such restrictions!

Certainly I've been "off and on" and "out of touch" a lot recently. I'm a busy guy. But have things changed that much around here? -- JeffGrigg

That is a new one on me, and I edit here quite a lot, mainly doing gnoming. -- JohnFletcher.

Don't think I've ever hit that one manually, but the SharkBot occasionally experiences it. When it does, I turn down one of the parameters governing update rate, then it goes away. -- DaveVoorhis

I can't seem to do more than one edit -- without giving it a delay of some unknown number of hours. :-(

I guess it doesn't like my IP address. It's my TMobile phone.

I hate to use proxy servers to get around the issue. :-( -- JeffGrigg
