Tony Blair

last modified: July 27, 2005

Current Prime Minister of Great Britain. Came to power as a result of re-inventing the Labour party in the mold of the Conservative Party - after taking a page from the play book of Bill Clinton.

Very good. One of Clinton's most engaging characteristics came out though when he was invited to visit and speak to Blair's cabinet. (An unprecedented event in its own right as I remember: the first time the key ruling body of British politics has ever been opened up in this way to the "leader of the Free World" and another indicator of the ideological and personal closeness.) Clinton compared the record New Labour parliamentary majority and their amazing opinion poll ratings at that time with his own difficulties with Congress and said simply: "I clearly need to learn from you guys". None of the spin doctors over here could have asked for more.

The star of Prime Ministers Question Time, a lovely institution whereby the prime minister of GreatBritain stands in the HouseOfCommons and presents a statement, then immediately becomes besieged by sarcastic, often nasty and usually loud hoots, catcalls and nose-thumbings from the MP's. Extremely entertaining to watch, and refreshingly honest as compared to the long, bombastic, sleep-inducing rhetoric seen on live coverage of the congress of the UnitedStates.

You cannot be serious Um ... actually the re-aired BBC coverage of the Prime Ministers Question Time is one of the more-watched parts of CSPAN in the UnitedStates. I think many people consider it to be a variety of British comedy much like MontyPython ...

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