Todd Lauinger

last modified: April 25, 2002

Todd Lauinger is a software development professional, published author, teacher, and mentor. He has a love for very large and complex software development projects, with nine years of professional experience on teams of between 50 and 300 software developers. Large software projects bring out the best talent in the profession and push to bring out the best in you. Todd is always looking for a software development challenge and would love to work for an organization that continually provides them.

Todd has just published an article in the April 1998 issue of Object Magazine titled "Risk-Driven Iterative Development." The article contains a concrete method for development large complex software based on customer expectations, risk, prototyping, iterative development, and tiered software deliverables. Please relay any feedback to or see his web site at

Well, he has written an article on JLog in the JavaReport (August2000).


He has written an article on the JavaLayeredFrameworks in the JavaDevelopersJournal issue of March 2002.


