To Try

last modified: November 10, 2014

"DoOrDoNot, there is no try" --Yoda

Here's a lecture on putting yourself out of the "try" space and into the "do" space:

Creating A Blueprint From Your Imagination

Q: Hello.

B: And to you, good day.

Q: As I told the channel earlier, I am representing myself and someone else. So it's her question that I'll ask you first.

B: Yes.

Q: Her name is Adrian, and she's been trying very, very, hard for the last year to make a job transition. She wants to become a TV news writer.

B: Oh, all right.

Q: And she does have some limited experience, but she wants to get a more permanent job in that industry.

B: Oh, all right. Is that what is most exciting thing to that being?

Q: Yes.

B: Is that being acting like a TV news writer? Or is she still acting like someone who is trying to become a TV news writer? There is a vast difference in those attitudes.

Q: Well, she's going to hear this. I'm afraid she's going to kill me for saying this, but it's the truth. Yah, she's. I won't tell her there's a videotape of this. I believe she's still acting like she's trying to be.

B: All right. This, in no way, shape or form, is a condemnation or a blame. The idea simply is a matter of fact that your society has created so many definitions that sometimes they seem to be what you are doing; when in fact the definition you are doing is not anything like what you say you prefer.

You think it is, because you think it's attached. But it is its own definition, that really has very little to do with the thing you actually want to be. All the trying in the world is not the doing of the thing. When you finally do something, it's because you finally did it, not because you tried to do it.

All the trying, usually, is simply the time you think or believe is necessary to allow yourself to really believe you can finally do it. The idea, therefore - to put it in very simple terms - is that your friend may simply not be paying attention to the fact that there may be many opportunities she is not allowing herself to take advantage of, because she does not necessarily think herself capable of acting on those opportunities. Because she is not yet the person she wants to be.

But the only way she'll be that person is by starting to act like that person now, by doing the things that person would do. By being that person. As we have shared many times - and again this will be brief - the idea is to use the imagination as a tool in the following way.

If there is something you want to be that you believe you're not now, create the visualization of that person. See the you you want to be, and then see that you acting in the way you want to act, doing the things you prefer to do. Then connect with it, with all your senses. Feel what it would be like to be that person.

Taste, smell, hear, and touch everything! And have the attitude of what it would be like to be that person. Have the style of that person. Do things in the way that person would do them, not in the way you're doing it now. Then all you have to do, if there is any circumstance or situation in your life that you don't know how to handle as the you you are now, hand that circumstance and situation to the you in your imagination, in your visualization, in your picture. Give that situation - hand it over - to the person you prefer to be, that you have created yourself to be, in your image of yourself.

Then watch what that person does with it. See how their attitude is different from yours; see how they handle it successfully. See their boldness and their conviction. See the excitement and the gusto with which they do that idea. See them successfully transform it. Then do what they did, and you'll get the same result.

That's what your imagination is for: to create a mirror image of the you you prefer to be, and then have the boldness and the conviction to act like that you, and you will create the same vibration. You will get the same life style, you will get the same result. That's how to use your imagination as a blueprint, as a template, in that way.

But it takes a boldness and a conviction, and a willingness to understand that as soon as you conceive of that image, that is who you are. All you have to do is act like it to get the same results. If there is anything, any habit pattern, any attitudinal approach that you would be doing differently if you already were that person - differently than the way you are doing it now - do it the way you would do it if you already were that person, and you will be that person.

What you put out is what you get back.

Q: Thank you.

B: Individuals - always, always, always - are a 100% energy. No more, no less. If you are doing something that you really want to do 50%, and something you do no prefer 50%, you cannot expect any further manifestation of the thing you really want to do, more than 50%. It's simple mathematics.

If you are hanging on to something just to play it safe, to have something to fall back on - just in case - then you are not really trusting the you you say you prefer to be. You are not really putting 100% of the idea in the direction of the flow you want. I guarantee as soon as anyone does, you will get it; if you believe you are ready for it. That's another idea.

All it takes is an examination, as we have already done to some degree. But now I will put it in its original linear form: What is the clear intention? What is the clear definition of what you want? What is the clear desire? Do you really want it? What is the clear deservability? Do you believe you deserve to get it?

If all of those are clear, then act with clear action upon whatever opportunities present themselves that excite you the most at any given moment - whether they appear connected to what you want or not. The excitement tells you they are, and they will get you where you need to go. That's it.

Q: Thank you.

B: Thank you.

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work."

- RichardBach, Author

I agree with the idea that if you want to change who you are, you have to act on it, not just think about it or wish for it or imagine it. I disagree that it's as simple as described. In many cases it requires a lot of work plus access to resources such as money, education and opportunities to advance. Sometimes it depends on characteristics that not everyone has. It doesn't matter how much you want to be an Olympic gymnast if you have a poor sense of balance.

You should avoid using scientific terms such as "vibration" and "energy" in vague, non-scientific ways. Such usage is often a red flag for pseudoscientific nonsense.
