The page has been factored out from BusinessProcessManagement (BPM) to focus on sharing information regarding the technology dimension.
Technology related responses to implementing BPM initiatives include:
- EnterpriseApplicationIntegration, or EAI for short
- ServiceOrientedArchitecture (SOA)
More specifically, from MicrosoftCorporation we have BizTalk to compete with more established WorkFlow products like StaffWare. IbmCorporation has a version of WebSphere that includes BusinessProcessExecutionLanguage capabilities.
NextBigThing in BPM - WirelessDevicesEnterpriseComputing
WorkFlowManagement angle
RFID (RadioFrequencyIdTags) SupplyChainManagement capabilities probably will be delivered and attached to next version of BizTalk due by end 2005. Source
- "RFID Enabled Retail Supply Chain" see
It appears this all started as a technology based solution to addressing BusinessProcessManagement issues. The software give recognition for time required by human being in the end-to-end ProcessManagement, including need for judgement, information sharing, etc.