The Tao Of Pooh

last modified: October 28, 2004

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh. Copyright 1982. ISBN: 0140067477 .

I found this book fun and enlightening, but someone later made a negative (but true) observation about the book, thereby permanently RuiningTheTaoOfPooh for me.

--- BillTrost

The Tao that can be ruined is not the real Tao.

The Tao that you can
see is not the true Tao.  You
are out of toner.

But in the meanwhile, we only have this one TaoOfPooh in text. The myriad of them in the mind... waitaminutenow, since reflection and new ideas constantly change the Tao in my mind, ruining it is merely one more step toward understanding it properly.

That would be like rejecting XP just because I'm an *******. There are good thoughts in TTOP (and in XP). Embrace them, ditch the rest. --rj

TTOP is a pretty good book on Pooh and Taoism. But it's not as good about Pooh as the original AaMilne books. Nor about Taoism.

KennethGrahame's spectacular "TheWindInTheWillows", and the less well known but still more spectacular NormanLindsay classic, "TheMagicPudding", are also excellent taoist books. A child deprived of one of them will grow up impoverished, though she lives in a palace. Each will teach you better than Hoff. But still read Hoff - afterwards. --PeterMerel, a long time PuddinOwner.

