First Niven book I ever read. I thought it was awesome. I read the throne next as I found it in a used bookstore. I found the original Ringworld in the local library and was a little disappointed. I had thought it not up to the standards of Engineers but I was understanding, series getting better, etc. The local library didn't have the Ringworld Engineers so I re-read Throne about 30 times. I finally had to buy the paperback version of Engineers again and I am happy to report that it was as I remembered it. Again, I am dropped into the life of Louis Wu, as these events are dropped with me into his life. Here we find him on Canyon living out a clandestine lifestyle, on a strange planet we learn the history of, when some unexpected guests come to take him away from all of that again. By the time we, the reader understand what is happening, we are totally on side with Louis as he is whisked back to the ringworld.
The Ringworld Engineers
last modified: June 2, 2012