(Moved from my home page, in hopes that it generates some discussion. -- TimLesher)
I've long been looking for the perfect wiki to use as a personal note-taking and project management tool. In rough order, I've tried:
- EddiesWiki: base feature set; stable; requires separate server and browser interface; no longer developed as far as I can see. [But WxWikiServer exists.]
- NoteBook: doesn't support WikiWords; modal; active development; nice hooks
- NoteWiki: believe it or not, I used this simplistic tool for a long time. First modeless DesktopWiki I found. No formatting, and not actively developed.
- PepysWiki: Very nice UI, but flaky and prone to data loss; no longer developed.
- WikidPad: modeless editing (added mode for HTML export), tons of features, actively developed; OpenSource; slightly dodgy formatting.
- ZuluPad: modeless, FAST, supports any kind of links, but zero formatting.
- TiddlyWiki: strange self-modifying JavaScript; executes in-browser. I can't quite bring myself to trust the self-modifying aspect.
- TwikiClone: big, over-structured kitchen sink wiki. I use it at work, but the rigid structure seems to lead to disuse.
So far, the closest thing to ideal I've found has been WikidPad.
But here's what I really want in SuperWhizzyUltimatePersonalWikiToolPro (SWUPWTP):
- Modeless operation with automatic WikiWord recognition, but bracketless support for non-CamelCase wiki words
- Basic formatting: tagless support (like PepysWiki) for numbered and bullet lists, bold, italic, strikeout, and headers should suffice
- PocketPc version optimized for that platform
- OpenSource, so I can fix bugs and hack on it
- Low resource consumption, so I can leave it running all the time and show/hide it with an AcceleratorKey
- Modeless "what-links-here" display
- Category support (what links here would suffice, but baked-in tagging in a separate namespace would be better)
- Uncluttered UI like PepysWiki and ZuluPad (and unlike SdiDesk)
- Completely drivable from the keyboard, with one-stroke forward/back support (WikidPad lacks this)
- Auto-linkification of URLs
- Fast full-text search
- Incremental in-page search
Nice-to-have features:
- Some functionality for simple tables
- Versioning
- Sync with PocketPc version and offsite backup (scp, ftp, webdav, what have you)
- Support for embedded images
What I don't need:
- Multi-user support
- Export to XML/HTML
- Tree view
Every couple of months, I re-browse the links on PersonalWiki, but nobody has implemented SWUPWTP yet.