An excellent book by Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper: ISBN: 0262194643
I've recently read this book, and hope to post some comments on it shortly. Malcolm Gladwell wrote a good NEW YORKER article entitled TheSocialLifeOfPaper which is essentially a summary of this book.
In short: Computers haven't eliminated the need for paper, they only made it easier to produce.
"The paperless office is as useful as the paperless loo."
The former president of the Color Printing and Imaging Division of TektronixInc (this division was later sold to XeroxCorporation) used to remark: "Trying to create a paperless office with computers is like trying to extinguish a forest fire with gasoline". Don't know who said it originally -- ScottJohnson
Is this book available in electronic format ;) -- PaulRuane