The Extreme Programming Diet

last modified: December 4, 2006


What an amazing idea!

We should stop selling ExtremeProgramming as a development approach, and start selling it as a diet plan! Forget "fat busters" -- we have the "ExtremeProgramming Diet Plan!!!" ;->

Cutting out late night pizza/chinese runs due to the FortyHourWeek should help as well.

Amusingly, the Google search page had a sponsored ad for breath freshening products with this article.

That donut? YouArentGoingToNeedIt. Also, you are allowed to eat each food OnceAndOnlyOnce.

I'm not sure. Read ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange:

"Food, also, is a hallmark of XP projects...I particularly recommend Frigor Noir chocolate bars if you can find them, but some projects seem to survive on twizzler licorice sticks..."

Uh oh. I'm afraid KentBeck's definition of food is different from mine. We'll just have to assume those licorice sticks contain more VitaminXp.

See: ThereMustBeWhatKindOfFood

