Started as The Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Agile Processes (EEAP) during XpUniverseTwoThousandTwo and blessed by RonJeffries as The Data Workshop, it is focused on discussing the current state of ongoing empirical research efforts in AgileMethods.
All position papers, list of participants, the discussion notes and the summary are posted on the official workshop site at with the discussion at TheDataWorkshopTwoThousandFour
GrigoriMelnik, LaurieWilliams, and AdamGeras were primary contacts for the workshop in 2002 and 2003.
GrigoriMelnik and KhaledElEmam are organizers of the workshop at XpAgileUniverseTwoThousandFour.
Building on the success of the first two workshops, this year's workshop focuses on the foundation for future empirical studies of capabilities of agile methods.