Tetralemmic Logic

last modified: July 15, 2009

A logic system from Buddhist thinking with four values:

On the Web, see http://laetusinpraesens.org/docs80s/83deval4.php and also http://web.archive.org/web/20010808140651/http://www.human.toyogakuen-u.ac.jp/~acmuller/yogacara/thinkers/nagarjuna-bio-asc.htm (about Nagarjuna, who employed the tetralemma heavily).

Let's try some truth tables. We have True (T), False(F), Mu(M) and Doublethink(D).

T & T = T     T | T = T
T & F = F     T | F = T
T & M = M     T | M = T
T & D = D     T | D = T
F & F = F     F | F = F
F & M = F     F | M = M
F & D = F     F | D = D
M & M = M?    M | M = M
M & D = F?    M | D = T?
D & D = D     D | D = D

Does this look right? Mu

See also: ThreeValuedLogic, BooleanLogic, FuzzyLogic, MultiValuedLogic

CategoryEasternThought, CategoryLogic
