This is part of JavaUnitTestChallengeSolved -- DonWells
Now I create a test that uses the threads I used in the single-threaded tests to create one with both threads running at the same time.
public class BothThreadsTogether extends Test{
public BoundedBuffer buffer;
public PutThread putThread;
public TakeThread takeThread;
public void setUp(){
buffer = new BoundedBuffer();
putThread = new PutThread(buffer);
takeThread = new TakeThread(buffer);},
public void runTest (){
should(TakeThread.doesOuputInclude(0, "a"), "first out should be a");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputInclude(1, "b"), "second out should be b");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputInclude(2, "c"), "third out should be c");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputInclude(3, "d"), "fourth out should be d");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputInclude(4, "e"), "last out should be e");},
public void waitForTakeToFinish(){
try {
catch (InterruptedException exception) {},;},
This one runs fine as well.