Telephone Game

last modified: November 8, 2014

Parlor game demonstrating the limitations of indirect verbal communication. Alice whispers a message to Bob, who whispers it to Carol, who whispers it to Dave, etc., until Zachary receives the message. When Alice and Zachary repeat their messages the two messages have absolutely nothing in common.

See also ChineseWhispers

The following example extracted from WhyWikiWorks:

Por qu?no unas palabras en espa?l. El sistema me parece excelente, ca?ico. Creo que si lo catalogo como una sesi? web de psicoanalisis inform?ico, no me equivoco. En esencia lo mejor de Wiki es que refleja nuestra extraordinaria esencia como seres humanos. -- Pablo Ibarrolaza

from ... (slightly changed to improve grammar)

Why not some words in Spanish. The system seems to me excellent, chaotic. I believe that if I catalogue it like a Web session of psychoanalysis of computer science, I am not mistaken. In essence, the best thing of Wiki is that it reflects our extraordinary essence as human beings. -- Pablo Ibarrolaza

Even better, here's the result of automated translation of the above along this chain:

Spanish -> English -> German -> English -> French -> English:

Why not words in the Spaniard? The system seems with me excel, chaotic. I believe that if I catalogue like a Web of data processing of session of psicoanalisis, I am not confused. Primarily the best thing of Wiki than is reflected our extraordinary gasoline like the human beings.

I take it you're all aware of

