Teddy Roosevelt

last modified: August 20, 2004

Teddy Roosevelt was a man of many powers. He overcame a sickly childhood to become in my opinion one of the best presidents we have ever seen yet.

Tell me what makes americans call other people in denominatives? Especially strange it seems when we are talking about people living in times, nobody called state representatives Bil or Tony.

That comes from our tendency toward classlessness and our deep-seated cultural belief that no one is inherently better than anyone else. (HaHaOnlySerious) You call your plumber "Bill", you call your boss "Bill" (except at really stuffy ancient companies), you call your President "Bill" (though not to his face, except perhaps if you're banging him at the time). -- MikeSmith

"You must always remember the President is about six"

Does that also means that calling someone with non-american origin (or otherwise different culture) in denominatives is also ok? And how do you know which is proper variant if there are multiple choices.?

I like russian habbit of using name and fathers name and denominatives of both. Like Aleksandr son of Aleksandr is honoured "Aleksandr Aleksandrovich" or "San Sanich".
