The Team Software Process(SM) or TSP(SM) was developed by WattsHumphrey and the SoftwareEngineeringInstitute (SEI). Its primary purpose is to provide specific guidance to developers trained in the PersonalSoftwareProcess so they can work effectively as a high-performance project team. Both 'team-building' and 'team-working' support are provided to projects by an SEI-trained TspLaunchCoach.
- SEI data indicates that TSP project teams can obtain greatly improved (orders of magnitude) product quality, significantly less time spent in testing after 'code complete', better schedule and effort estimation accuracy, and with equal or better productivity.
- Recent presentations at SEPG Conferences indicate that excellent results can be achieved with both low and high maturity organizations (see CapabilityMaturityModel).
Relationship to Agile and this Wiki:
- TSP is generally acknowledged to be a HighDisciplineMethodology. A TSP project must have a TspLaunchCoach.
- TSP's proponents also generally believe it is a HighToleranceMethodology.
- Many people seem to think that TSP and Agile methods are incompatible, although some believe that they can be blended successfully under certain circumstances. See AgileAndTspDiscussion. (Doing so would be an example of MethodologicalPluralism, yes?)
- See for general information on TSP from the SEI.
- You may also wish to search their SEIR ( for contributed articles and materials.
- The First TSP Users Group Conference was held Sept. 29-30, 2003 in Pittsburgh. See for more information.
Team Software Process and TSP are both service marks of CarnegieMellonUniversity in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Refactoring note: the purpose of this page is to define what the Team Software Process is, and put it into context for this Wiki. Corrections or additions are of course welcome; please direct opinions or discussions of merit to page TeamSoftwareProcessDiscussion or AgileAndTspDiscussion.
KarenSmiley, August 14, 2003
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