Train à Grande Vitesse. In English, High-Speed Train.
You might think your car is fast. It doesn't average 200km/hr. (Normal top speed, 300km/hr. Record set at 574.8km/hr.) TGV has revolutionized suburban living in France, turning suburbs into city neighborhoods and distant cities into suburbs. Now, you can live 100 miles (160km) away from Paris and you won't feel like you have an onerous commute to your downtown job. All other western European high-speed trains are based onr TGV, and many are track-compatible.
TGV routes are called LGV (Lignes à Grande Vitesse).
My aunt, who is French, and my wife, who did French as her first degree, do not pronounce it as "Tay Gay Vay". They both say "Teh Zheh Veh", where the "Zh" is a voiced "sh", as in "azure".
RenameMe: An interesting variant on the WikiAlphabet... this wiki would prefer the spelling TeeGeeVee. However, the TGV is famous enough to treat the acronym as a name, like TgvTrain, which would also be found more easily on searches for "train".
I have no problem with any reasonable renaming, just don't call it "Acela" :) -- JohnDuncan