Taste The Soup

last modified: February 9, 2013

An old man calls the waiter over to his table.

"What would you like, sir?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup," he says.

"Is the soup too cold?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup," says the old man.

"Is it too salty?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup!" says the old man.

"Is there a fly in it?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup!" the old man insists.

The waiter looks down: "There's no spoon!"

"Aha!" exclaims the old man.

It is a joke, but there's a good point about engineering in it, too. See: DogFood.

Why didn't the old man just say "Please bring me a spoon?"

He was trying to demonstrate how something you made can look complete until you try it yourself. See: ZenSlap.

Or because he knew the waiter would have asked, "Is your spoon dirty?"

Or because he was a complete asswipe. You can't make excuses for some behavior.

An excellent example of BrutalSarcasm.

For fun, now imagine the above scenario, but have the waiter exclaim ThereIsNoSpoon. Now what would that mean?

See, I think I'm eating this nice, tasty soup -- even though I know it's not real! I don't want to remember any of this.

Too literal and derivative. Try - "You don't need to use a spoon to eat soup. It is only your belief in a specific reality that requires such a construct".

or maybe - "we have no spoons, as UriGeller was in early and they are all bent"

