Tao Of Steve

last modified: July 13, 2005

"Eliminate your desires. If you're out with a girl and you're thinking about getting laid, you're finished. A woman can smell an agenda."

The movie by this name is about the exploits of a philosophy major who has used his extensive knowledge of worldwide philosophy to justify his American slacker ethic. Through his alleged enlightenment, he has refactored out just about all the responsibility from his life. The focus of the movie is on how the overweight, nearly-destitute protagonist somehow manages to get laid constantly through this alleged enlightened detachment.

Based on the more-or-less true story of a man named Duncan North. For those who think DatingIsHarderThanProgramming, this man has allegedly refactored the entire seduction process into a three-step system:

  1. Eliminate your desire. Perhaps an improvement over BeYourself that addresses the cause of tongue-tiedness and insincerity.
  2. Do something exceptional in her presence. Which can be as simple as being outgoing with a group of children.
  3. Retreat. The underlying principle being that we pursue that which retreats from us.

The system is named after all the famous actors named Steve (McQueen, for example) who always played these smooth guys who never tried to impress anyone, but always got the girl.


These rules may work, but 1 and 3 defeat the point of it all for me. -- BrianRobinson

Brian, my friend, that is the point.

Has Duncan North Written any books? I've had a lot success with his theories.

See also DatingPatterns

CategoryMovie CategoryOffTopic
