Tagging the net might be the next "killer application", because tags, when handled appropriately, can not only replace some functions of the domain names, but even extend their capabilities.
Of course, the author means ContextSensitiveTags? in social annotation systems like DiiGo, TrailFire and other providers.
Let us take an example: if you Google:IBM and then again Google:iBM, the author thought: you won't find any difference in the search result, because this search-engine doesn't care for case-sensitivity. Hey it should. Perhaps Google is the first one to support case in their service... More on the Meatball TwinPage.
TwinPages: http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?TagTheNet
- This appears to be untrue for google, as my searches using these criteria gave the exact same result both times.
: Thank you for testing. I modified my text, after retesting months later. To make both our texts compatible, I suggest the formulation:
- Case sensitivity on Google currently doesn't appear to be the case (pun intended), ...
-- fp