- Currently an independent consultant.
- Formerly CTO for Elastra Corporation, and an Enterprise Architect for BEA Systems'. RestInPeace BEA.
- I'm often a RestArchitecturalStyle proponent.
- I think a lot about how organizations work and how they change over time (aka. "politics"), but also from a sociological & economic viewpoint
- When I'm on a project, I'm usually a coach aiming to help people develop, integrate, and/or test great software. This often means a combination of technical mentoring, troubleshooting, and prototyping.
- Usually I work with a mix of object technology, integration technology, and relational databases.
- I'm a proponent of agile methods (particularly LeanDevelopment) and promote them to my friends, co-workers, clients, etc. I also quite like TheCore.
- MyMyersBriggsTypeIs "Expressive, Enthusiastic" INTP (I have out-of-preference extroverted tendencies)
- My HerrmannBrainDominanceInstrument rating is 2211 (I'm primarily right brained)
- I've been on Ward's Wiki since 1998, though I'm a lot less active than in years past.
Besides technology, I have a tremendous interest in Business, Strategy, ProjectManagement, Economics, Sociology, and Political Science. My favorite author, by far, is PeterDrucker.
The past four or five years, I have sought to tear down the intellectual bulkheads separating objects from relational data. There are many lessons to be learned by synthesizing these views.
Lessons learned: InexperienceGeneratesFailure, WhyDoYouPermitThisToBeDoneToYou, PairProgrammingIsaWaste (not), SurvivingGuruStatus, WeWillTry, EjbTernaryRelationshipExample, RestArchitecturalStyle
Pages I started: CloudComputing, WebObjects, WebServices, WebServicesAttributes, SnapshotIsolation, MultiversionConcurrencyControl, DesignForPerformance, PseudoBinaryRelationships. Provided revised main definitions for EventDrivenArchitecture and ComplexEventProcessing.
Some important books/authors: SoftwareForYourHead, NatureOfOrder, PeterDrucker, FredrickWinslowTaylor
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/svrc mailto:stuartcharlton@yahoo.com http://stucharlton.com/blog