Stewart Baird

last modified: April 13, 2003

Stewart Baird makes his home in Wellington, New Zealand. When not being blown about by the 'refreshing breeze' that is ever constant here, he manages to dabble a lot in XP. The rumor is that he has written a book on the subject. His Web site is at

During March 2003 Stuart is planning to embarrass himself in a .NET/J2EE bake-off at Wellington's Software Development Conference.


It turned-out that the Java boys were the ones left fumbling for excuses - the .NET development team soundly beat them and had time for lunch! - sb

A book on the subject...

"Teach Yourself Extreme Programming in 24 Hours" (see ExtremeProgrammingInTwentyFourHours). An interesting contrast to RonJeffries, who's on record elsewhere as stating he's starting to get it after five years.

It's happened:{966028F4-2B32-4D4F-A289-3DED10C4D463},
ISBN: 0672324415 

We were philosophy students playing with idealistic dialectic like brats with wooden swords. Then our university dean (this guy would make a 3 hours course about "epistemology and the concept of matter" guided only with the help a 3x5 card) told us : "I began to understand Hegel when I was 45". Don't let yourself be impressed. And oh, pick also XP for dummies while you're at it.

Could it be that its more about marketing than anything else..ummmm..nah must be that the subject is so simple that you can get it in 15 minutes. Maybe we should call it "XP Exonerated" or something? Or "XP for Really Smart People"?

