Static Menu For Wards Wiki

last modified: March 31, 2006

This page is about a specific implementation of a StaticMenu for WardsWiki, done by VickiKerr.

It has the following items:

The static menu should appear below the toolbars in your browser, so you will have access to all the functions on your browser and it will start on your Wiki home page.

Do not type URLs in the Address box. If you do, the menu will disappear. Choose instead to use FindPage to find a page and to have access to it. (actually this remark holds true only for a specific version of the code -- Michael)

Note that you need to use file extension .hta to make the Diff and Edit work. This will take away your usual browser functionality, though. -- Michael

This is not HTML, and therefore a bug:

<HTA:Application Id="Wiki Browser"
 ApplicationName="Wiki Browser"

The point is that this is not HTML 4.01 compliant, so, by definition, it won't work in an HTML browser. It works in Internet Explorer.

It doesn't work in IE at all, but in a specialized browser called MSHTA which is provided with IE (Windows version, at least). No-one had earlier said anything of strict compliance with HTML 4.01. -- vk

Okay, then where's the purpose? Is Wiki going to be exclusively for MSHTA users? I am certainly not willing to give up my Netscape Navigator to use any Microsoft product. I imagine the UNIX and Mac communities feel the same way about the stuff they use.

Good question. There is an alternative for Netscape 6 or Netscape 7. I haven't got round to coding and testing it yet, but it's a minor modification to the code given here. Anyone with Netscape 6 installed and willing to test, please let me know. -- vk

Is there a way to do this in Java, JavaScript, or some other technology that is universal to the Internet community at large?

The code.

  <title>Wiki Menu</title>

<HTA:Application Id="Wiki Browser"
  ApplicationName="Wiki Browser"


<body style="margin:0px; background-color:#f5f5f5; overflow:auto;">
<table width="100%" style="height:100%">
   <td style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">
    <a href="" target="body">WikiName</a>
    | <a href="" target="body">Find Page</a>
    | <a href="" target="body">RecentChanges</a>
    | <a href='javascript:if (top.frames.body.location.href.indexOf("=")<0) top.frames.body.location=top.frames.body.location.href.replace("wiki","quickDiff")' target="body">Diff</a>
    | <a href='javascript:if (top.frames.body.location.href.indexOf("=")<0) top.frames.body.location=top.frames.body.location.href.replace("i?","i?edit=")' target="body">Edit</a>
  <tr height="100%">
      <iframe name="body" id="body" src="" width="100%" frameborder="0" height="100%" />

Installation instructions:

You might also want to put an icon on the desktop or a link on the browser to access this file.

