Star Trek Nemesis

last modified: November 12, 2003

A stinkeroo. Totally devoid of science fiction. Plot did not rise above the level of a Dragonball-Z episode. Spoilers follow after some whitespace.




































How truly dreadful is it? This is how dreadful:

Face it, guys. There is no more StarTrek. It's over, done, kaput. The only thing that will convince me to plunk down good money for another ST movie is a tall blonde girl in a really tight corset.

Someone liked it: a good movie but not a great one. cutting scenes from the finished article made it feel incomplete. felt rushed and very choppy. still, one of the best space battles in history and could teach star wars a thing or two. the starship crash was perfection. data's death was heart-wrenching. overall, left me wanting more. bring on the big finale for next gen. i have a few ideas paramount...

Note to the clue-impaired: All StarTrek movies sucked big-time.

Hey, thanks for the spoilers! I watched this movie on rented DVD and was so unimpressed that I actually forgot about Data biting the big one! Oh, well. I'll probably rent the next one, too, and by then I'll have again forgotten that Data was supposed to be croaked. Well, if I'm that stupid then I deserve what I get for renting a Star Trek movie. Oy.
