Posit: Star Trek is good when it makes an effort, and atrociously bad when the screenwriters give up on plot, character, depth and science in favour of cheap gags. Discuss. -- JonGreen
Disagree. William Shatner missed his true calling as a comedian. His best performances have always been in comic situations. His infamy for the notorious "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" rendition and the success of his PriceLine commercials bears this out. Shatner was meant to be a lounge lizard comedian. -- StevenNewton
agree. Shatner missed his *only* calling as a comedian. The man can't pull of a serious role if his life depended on it
I remember McGill university doing two of the original series episodes to open the William Shatner theatre. The first was (I think) "Mudd's Women" which was supposed to be funny, and was. The other was "The Way to Eden", and that one was hilarious. So it seems that even when it tries hard to be serious, StarTrek can be really funny. (BTW, they weren't allowed to change one line in the script by Paramount. They couldn't ridicule the show either) --JeanPhilippeBelanger