Stack Module In Vb Classic

last modified: February 6, 2009

Here is a stack written as a VbClassic Module. How could it be better? Feel free to reuse as you see fit.

I find using a collection would be a simpler thing that could possibly work. Here are some tests and code for a generic and string stack -- ThomasEyde:

Jun 15, 2002: I have removed duplication in CStack and changed naming conventions to a (hopefully) more Wiki friendly style. The tests are unchanged. Thanks for noticing. -- Thomas Eyde

Easter, 2007: I don't know why I bother to do this when ClassicVb is dead and all that, but I have my pride in published code. I have honed my skills over the years and I felt like refactor this code to reflect my current understanding:

The tests still do the same thing after the face-lift:

' Module: AllTests
Option Explicit

Public Sub Run()
End Sub

' Module: StackTests
Option Explicit

Public Sub Run()
End Sub

Private Sub NewStackIsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PopEmptyStackReturnsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = Empty
End Sub

Private Sub PeekEmptyStackReturnsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = Empty
End Sub

Private Sub StackIsNotEmptyAfterPush()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1

    Debug.Assert Not aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PeekPushedItem()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = 1
End Sub

Private Sub PeekDoesntChangeStack()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1

    Debug.Assert Not aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PopPushedItem()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = 1
End Sub

Private Sub PopRemovesItemFromStack()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1

    Debug.Assert aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PushNumberToStack()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push 1
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = 1
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = 1
End Sub

Private Sub PushMixedTypesToStack()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push "one"
    aStack.Push 2
    aStack.Push New Collection

    Debug.Assert TypeOf aStack.Peek Is Collection
    Debug.Assert TypeOf aStack.Pop Is Collection
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = 2
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = 2
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = "one"
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = "one"
End Sub

' Module: StringStackTests
Option Explicit

Public Sub Run()
End Sub

Private Sub NewStackIsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PopEmptyStackReturnsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = ""
End Sub

Private Sub PeekEmptyStackReturnsEmpty()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = ""
End Sub

Private Sub StackIsNotEmptyAfterPush()
    Dim aStack As New CStack
    aStack.Push "one"

    Debug.Assert Not aStack.IsEmpty
End Sub

Private Sub PushStringsToStack()
    Dim aStack As New CStringStack

    aStack.Push "one"
    aStack.Push 2

    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = "2"
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = "2"
    Debug.Assert aStack.Peek = "one"
    Debug.Assert aStack.Pop = "one"
End Sub

The stack got some minor changes:

' Class: CStack
Option Explicit

Private underlyingList As New Collection

Public Sub Push(ByVal newValue As Variant)
    underlyingList.Add newValue
End Sub

Public Function Pop() As Variant
    If Not IsEmpty Then
        AssignNextValueTo Pop
    End If
End Function

Public Function Peek() As Variant
    If Not IsEmpty Then
        AssignNextValueTo Peek
    End If
End Function

Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
    IsEmpty = (NextIndex = 0)
End Function

Private Sub RemoveNext()
    If Not IsEmpty Then
        underlyingList.Remove NextIndex
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub AssignNextValueTo(ByRef aValue As Variant)
    If IsObject(underlyingList(NextIndex)) Then
        Set aValue = underlyingList(NextIndex)
        aValue = underlyingList(NextIndex)
    End If
End Sub

Private Property Get NextIndex() As Long
    NextIndex = underlyingList.Count
End Property

The string stack suffered only a few renames:

' Class: CStringStack
Option Explicit

Private underlyingStack As New CStack

Public Sub Push(ByVal aValue As String)
    underlyingStack.Push aValue
End Sub

Public Function Pop() As String
    Pop = underlyingStack.Pop
End Function

Public Function Peek() As String
    Peek = underlyingStack.Peek
End Function

Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
    IsEmpty = underlyingStack.IsEmpty
End Function

I havent touched anything VB in years but surely this can be done better, from a reuse point of view? Does VB support the idea of an interface? (so you can have different classes which implement the stack protocol, and use them interchangably) Or genericity, so you can have a stack which only accepts a particular type?

Actually, yes VB does support the idea of an interface (see VisualBasicInterfaceInheritance). However, when I wrote this, I was practicing doing the least thing that could possible work. [DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork] I will keep in mind that this should be an interface setup if I ever get around to building this as a COM object.

Initial tests indicated that it works perfectly as an Access 97 Class Module, FYI

Maybee try to get rid of some of the repetition of MyList(MyList.Count), also Pop contains code that is in peek, it could call peek and then remove the last item in the collection. MyList.Count could maybe be a private property call StackTop or maybe not. But hell it works, its got tests and anyone with half a brain can understand it. You are in the top ten percentile of VB developers for usefullness.

Thank you for the kind words. It's been a while since I last read this page. I actually forgot I put some code here, but the fact that I can still read it is promising. Now that I read it, I agree: MyList.Count is repetitious. -- ThomasEyde

On the "Err.Raise" statements, it's good form to do

Err.Raise vbObjectError + <app_number>, ...

where "<app_number>" is some application-defined error number. [VbErrRaise]

'this stack doesn't really deal with objects so well.
'it is just fine with non object varients of all types
'to make it an object stack should be easy though.

Option Explicit

'local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private iCount As Integer 'local copy

Private aryStack() As Variant

Public Property Get Count() As Integer
    'used when retrieving value of a property, on the right side of an assignment.
    'Syntax: Debug.Print X.Count
    Count = iCount
End Property

Public Sub Push(ByVal vrtItem As Variant)
    If UBound(aryStack) = iCount Then Resize
    iCount = iCount + 1
    aryStack(iCount) = vrtItem
End Sub

Public Function Pop() As Variant
    Dim ret As Integer
    If iCount = 0 Then
        Err.Raise 5111, "Stack.Pop", "Programmer attempted to pop empty stack."
        Exit Function
    End If
    ret = iCount
    iCount = iCount - 1
    Pop = aryStack(ret)
End Function

Public Function Peek() As Variant
    Dim ret As Integer
    If iCount = 0 Then
        Err.Raise 5111, "Stack.Pop", "Programmer attempted to pop empty stack."
        Exit Function
    End If
    ret = iCount
    Peek = aryStack(ret)
End Function

Private Sub Resize()
    Dim temp As Integer
    temp = UBound(aryStack) * 2
    ReDim Preserve aryStack(1 To temp) As Variant
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    iCount = 0
    ReDim Preserve aryStack(1 To 10) As Variant
End Sub

