Spam Signed Contribution

last modified: March 4, 2011

Your contribution was accepted, but not your use of a spam-link signature. Spam is not allowed on this Wiki.

What to do when there is a legit contribution that is signed with a spam link?

Replace it with this page/tag.

I have been on this Wiki for many years, and did not know what to do in this case. At first I deactivated the link to: blog(dot)moovieland(dot)com. Later I noticed that DV deleted other such signatures, but left alone the one that I had altered. I have been thinking about this for a few days, and I'm thinking that perhaps this page/tag may be the best solution. That way the contribution is left standing, and at the same time it informs the author that It is not OK to sign contributions with spam links.

See: DeletingSpam WikiSpam

